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  • Kayleigh Hooper

Adding flames to your fire...

Hello my darlings..

Its been a little while...I've been busy writing classes and teaching them.. pouring my heart and soul into the content, themes and teachings - and its been an absolute joy. I feel incredibly blessed to have met such wonderful and welcoming people in my classes... that continue to come back for more nuggets of yogi wisdom - go figure! Thank you beautiful souls.

Recently my husband and I took a precious few days away high in the Smoky Mountains of South Carolina, 5000 feet up and far away from our busy lives. And it rained for a whole day.... BIG rain. And do you know it was the happiest and most content I've felt for longer than I can remember. A log cabin in the middle of nowhere, open fire, listening to music, chatting, reading, drinking wine, cuddled up listening to the rain. It was the most beautiful, romantic and restful long weekend..

You see life has been so incredibly wonderful to us these past 12 months but our feet have not touched the ground... from pre-wedding planning, the big day itself and then immediately being thrown into an enormous life change across land and ocean, setting up home on a new continent within a couple of months was, well - bonkers! Then came Christmas, then embracing my Yoga teaching career with every fiber of my being within the most wonderful community. But all of these events one after the other with no opportunity to recoop, gather my thoughts or even come to terms with the HUGE changes in my life... I was suffering from burn out... The adrenaline had finally subsided, I felt low, depleted, my cup was offically empty. My soul felt tired.

And do you know what was playing on my mind more than anything... GUILT. I felt guilty because I should be full of life right? I should be more grateful for this wonderful adventure right? I should work harder and throw more of myself into this experience right?


Isn't it funny how so often we know what's best for us but ignore our inner voice that shouts and screams at us to STOP. But do always we listen?

These few days away gifted me the permission, time and space to RECONNECT TO MY POWER.

Power - a word that can have a negative connotation. Demonised might be a little strong but too often our fast paced, modern day world associates the word power with controlling, overbearing or unhealthy behaviours.

But darling - this is YOGA and that's not the kind of power I'm talking about.

We all have a force inside of us that goes beyond the physical, the layers of our soul (our Kosha's in Yogi philosophy)... they more powerful than we can comprehend. I'm talking about the very essence of who you are. Your soul, spirit, inner voice, whatever you prefer. Your light.

Like any light - from time to time. It can go out.

Maybe because your giving too much of it to others, maybe because you've tried too hard for too long to dim your own light to people please, to fit in with others, to avoid judgement, for you to feel accepted. Maybe you're feeling a little lost and you can't find your light, maybe you're simply too tired to try.

But just like what happens when we don't plug in and charge our mobile phones, if we don't plug in and charge our light - it fades too... and we might end up feeling a lesser version of ourselves. And that is such a waste. Because as I remind the yogis that take my classes during the week of a full moon each month... just like the full moon you are at your most beautiful when you shine your brightest. Your fullest, most unashamed version of you is the version that brings the most light to this world. To our individual and collective conscious. Both beam when we are the truest version of us.

So... if your cup has been feeling a little empty.... if you've been trying come out of winter hibernation with varied success... if you're too tired or too concerned about other peoples thoughts and feelings here are some little pointers that I hope you might find helpful (I use these and they always help me to return HOME - to myself and give me the space to recharge and remerge with my battery fully charged).

  1. Time in vs time OUT - this can be 5 minutes, days, weeks. Its not about the length of time out, it is about acknowledging that you need a little breather - listening to your inner wisdom - there's an empowering power in that.

  2. Gratitude attitude - never ever ever fails. Its so freakin easy in a busy life to loose track of the little things you have to be grateful for - the things that fill your cup but you don't give enough attention to. The smell of spring, sunshine on your face, a good nights sleep, a compliment, a healthy meal you enjoyed, a yoga practice. Name it - no literally name it!

  3. Social cleanse - I'm fresh off the back of a social media break - it felt fan-flipping-tastic to focus on other areas of my life for a little while. I enjoy the connection social media gives me to other like minded souls but goodness me was it good to delete the apps for a little while and remove even the temptation of mindless scrolling. I was SO much more present in my life.

  4. People check - this has been a huge one for me personally recently. Full disclosure caring too much about other people's opinions or having the wrong people in your life can absolutely drain the life out of you. I repeat - can drain the life out you. Especially if you're a deep old soul (hello). I'm immensely proud of my old soul, the part of me that cares so deeply for others and just wants everyone else to be okay and okay with me. But its a never-ending quest that WILL exhaust you at some point. Physically and mentally it can make you feel like you are failing or aren't enough. And that my darling is total and utter BS. You always have been and will always be enough exactly as you are! Anyone who doesn't respect that (ps they don't need to understand it - just respect it)... has NO place dimming your light. The good news is YOU are in control of this and the even better news is you don't owe anyone an explanation. So, if you need to take a break from a particular relationship - personal, professional or otherwise - step away and assess your feelings after some time out. This is one of the healthiest things I have ever done for myself.

  5. It's a HELL YES or a no. We often over commit. Being honest about things you want to do vs feel obliged to do. People who love and respect you will value your honesty.

  6. Your life is your responsibility. Remember that. As is everyone else's their own too!

  7. Now don't tell me you didn't suspect this one might be coming. Get. On. Your. Mat. And whilst yes there are enormous physical benefits of practising yoga - remember the true purpose of yoga is not any fancy backbends or inversions, it is not nor has ever been about 'performing' a pose.... please remember a full expression of pose does not need to be your expression and you never fully arrive in an asana anyway - it is always experienced differently each time. The purpose of yoga is to connect your mind, body and soul with your breath - your life force. That can mean acrobatics if that's what you honestly need on your mat... it can be a few stretches and a gloriously long svasasana. When you reach the 'afterglow' of your practice no matter how long or strenuous that has been. THAT IS YOGA. And its pure magic.

  8. Be as healthy as you feel you can be, get outside, drink your H20, eat your veggies, take your vitamins. Im not here to lecture you - but your physical body is a machine - a miraculous one but you gotta feed it with the right stuff for it work optimally - for you to feel powerful.

  9. Okay here's the secret. When all said and done - do whatever the hell you want to do that helps you to feel powerful. Its no one else's business what that is!

So you see... there are many ways to tap into your power. It usually just means taking a little time to nurture it... and when you feel you're fully charged... or a little closer to getting there... go and experience your life with the intention of only doing things and being around people that add flames to your fire.

Here's me deliriously content and smiley in my log cabin infront of a fire as strong as mine feels after my break in the Smokies.

Hope this helps someone - somewhere. I'd love to hear from you if it has. Please get in touch.

And in the meantime. Namaste

(Quick side note - I've noticed a little controversy about this word recently... but I love it for its purest meaning... I honour the light in you, in me, in all of us. And I'll never stop saying it. The end).

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